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White Elephant

Humanitarian law of 1901, established on 16 May 2002 in order to help the orphans of Cambodia by the sponsorship.

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On behalf of White Elephant, I would like to thank the principal actor of this action: the Company

47 Avenue du Mont Riboudet
76000 ROUEN

especially its President Mr BRYON, Naxco Group.

Without it, the container could not see the day. We have carried out, despite all the difficulties we have encountered on his arrival on 30 April 2009 in Phnom Penh, described on the blog

We thank Sylvie Duparc which was up Phnom Penh to help us "unlock" all administrative and who was the actress of all times and hard journey of adventure .... also described on this blog above.

We also thank other participants such as:

- Transport LELOUP
Quai de Gironde
76600 LE HAVRE

- SYLVATRANS (Mr Vallee and Mrs Hanquier)
Parc d'Activités du Hoquet
353 Allée des Vergers

- UNION PORT Rouennaise (Mr Courtier and Mrs Renou)
66 Quai de Boisguilbert
B.P. 4032
76021 ROUEN Cedex 3

- AGENA TRAMP (Mr Debaenst)
29 Rue du Gouvernement
B.P. 2510
59383 Dunkerque Cedex 1

- Les Bonbons Barnier

More other persons such Mr Appleton and Mr Bastien and our dearest Many YEM, the initiator of this collection, which has mobilized the entire city of Rouen. What really surprised us all because at the beginning, we thought of just fetch pens, books for some children.
We do not wait until this outpouring of generosity of Rouen ...

We do not forget to thank the media, because without them there would not have been as successful! :

- Radio France Bleu Haute Normandie (Mr Guillaume CHHUM) with several broadcasts
- Radio Resonance Havre
- Radio France Info (distribution of 15 March)
- Radio crystal Rouen
- FC Rouen
- Radio HDR Rouen
- Paris Normandie
- Today in France
- Le Courrier Cauchois
- Normandy France 3 (distribution of 13 March)
- Domino TV (internet)
- Fil fax

We also thank Dr Saint-Georges from Meze (South of France) who "harvest" from hospitals to Beziers and Montpellier medical equipment (beds birthing, incubator, etc. ...)+ other things necessary to help to hospitals in Cambodia.
Also the Conseil General de l'Herault which has granted over 200 t-shirts to distribute to all ... and other persons or anonymous ... that we will not fail to mention that we have the list complete.

To all
Thanks a lot

Aline Honorine Fitte

Creation date : 2009.05.04 @ 03:29
Last update : 2009.05.10 @ 11:30
Category :
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