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White Elephant

Humanitarian law of 1901, established on 16 May 2002 in order to help the orphans of Cambodia by the sponsorship.

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home.gifWelcome to Elephant Blanc

The White Elephant is to help the young people from orphanages in Cambodia, for helping young people to settle is helping Cambodia to rebuild itself.

His willingness to meet the needs expressed by Cambodians leads to the sponsorship of children and referrals to local development strategies. Its action is mainly on the district of Koh Kong, particularly disadvantaged.

"Our action is a drop of water when it falls on a child's head, it is for him a shower invaluable."
Roger Barthas


Major action in 2007: A new house was built. It has two separate rooms and can receive 8 children per room. This house and the house built by the White Elephant in 2005 were also equipped with an awning.

You can see pictures of our other actions on the blog of Aline

Feel free to click on the categories on the left to see the different themes of our interventions and actions on the place.

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- by Elephantblanc 2013.04.27 @ 19:25

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WHITE ELEPHANT - 10 rue Louis Barthou 92420 Vaucresson - FRANCE
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